About Us
Welcome to EUMMOT’s Texas Efficiency website, your one-stop shop for utility-sponosored energy efficiency programs. This website provides a general overview of energy efficiency in Texas, as well as specific details regarding energy efficiency programs offered by the state’s investor-owned utilities.
If you live within a service territory covered by one of our member utilities, you may be eligible to participate in some of the programs detailed on this site.
Who is EUMMOT?
The Electric Utility Marketing Managers of Texas (EUMMOT) is a voluntary organization of electric investor-owned utilities formed to address utility industry energy efficiency issues. Serving as a forum to facilitate coordination among the energy efficiency program managers across the state, EUMMOT’s objectives are to:
- Convey common perspectives on efficiency program design and implementation,
- provide for exchange of information on markets and technologies, and
- advance understanding and participation in efficiency programs.
Please see our Frequently Asked Questions page for a list of commonly asked questions.